Any information regarding a delay or cancellation of school will be communicated on the local television stations: 18 (NBC), 27 (CBS), 36 (ABC), SAA text alert (Flocknotes), and through an e-mail alert (Constant Contact and Flocknotes).

You do not have to register for the SAA text alert. We have pre-loaded all parent cell numbers provide at the time of registration. If your cell number has changes since you registered your child on-line prior to August, please contact Mrs. Gilbert (744-6484) with your new cell number.

You may also register your cell phone number to receive an automatic text alert with Channel 27, Sno-Go System (WKYT/CBS Affiliate).

St. Agatha Academy does not automatically follow Clark County Public School closures and delays.

If there is inclement weather proceeding through the day once school has started, SAA will not dismiss early unless we are advised to dismiss by our Diocesan Superintendent’s Office or Clark County Emergency Management.

If you feel the need to pick up your student earlier than regular dismissal time due to deteriorating weather conditions in your area, please feel free to do so. Safety is our number one concern.

If we are in session and you do not feel comfortable driving from your location, please call the main office at 744-6484. We encourage you to use your discretion when assessing driving conditions for your family.

In addition, if a morning delay is called, afternoon dismissal will still occur at the regular time. For example, for a one-hour delay, school will open at 8:15 AM, with prayer and pledge at 8:45 AM. Dismissal will be at the normal time, 2:50 PM for buses, and 3:00 PM for cars.

Inclement Weather Bus Service Policy

Mt. Sterling Bus – If Clark County calls off and SAA is still on

  • If SAA is open, there will be SAA bus service for Mt. Sterling
  • If SAA is on a one-hour delay, SAA will have bus service based on our SAA start time.

Winchester Bus – If Clark County calls off and SAA is still on

  • If inclement weather occurs throughout the day while school is in session, we will assess the afternoon bus service.
  • The status of the afternoon bus will be communicated to parents through a text alert.

Out of Uniform Policy for CCPS Snow Days

SAA students will be allowed to be out of uniform on days SAA is open (in session) and CCPS are closed for a snow-day.

This policy only applies to CCPS snow/cold-weather days. It does not apply to previously scheduled days CCPS are planned to be closed according to their district calendar (e.g. election days or other non-school days observed by CCPS).

Read the full out of uniform policy.