Montessori Kindergarten
The Cradle of Civilization Year
Featuring The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
Montessori Education
The fundamental philosophy of Maria Montessori is to offer a prepared environment, based on manipulative materials that enable children to develop their body and mind through movement; to create themselves and their personalities through the process of work and the child’s spontaneous desire to make choices based on the individual needs of the child. The activities help develop order, concentration, coordination and the independence necessary for the more advanced, academic exercises given at age five and six.
St. Agatha Academy students at all grade levels are immersed in a program with high standards for behavior, anchored within the Catholic faith. Daily prayers and reflection begin in the preschool years.
The Montessori classroom is multi-age at the 3 and 4, year-old children. We have a limited openings for older 4 year-olds and in our transitional Montessori Kindergarten program. In both the Montessori pre-school and Montessori Kindergarten programs, the classroom encourages cooperation, collaboration, and a helpful attitude among the children. Lessons promote independence, neat and orderly work, and care of the learning environment. An early emphasis on letter sounds with a strong phonics background produce early readers in the Montessori program. Our students explore all subject areas including mathematics, geography, sensorial, practical life, art, botany and biology.
We pride ourselves in being able to offer an excellent education in a safe, loving, Christian environment. Please call Mrs. Jeanne Lane at 744-6484 to schedule a tour and observe our wonderful team of experienced teachers!