1st Grade
The Greek Year
First Grade Summer Readling List
First Grade 2024 Supply List
First grade students begin their journey through a thoughtful series from Ancient Times to the Story of the Greek People. They begin to identify the basic geography of Greece and neighboring areas. Related literature will include The Book of Greek Myths (Ingri and Edgar Parin D’Aulaire) and Aesop’s Fables. Language Arts will utilize Shurley Grammar: English Made Easy (Level 1), penmanship/handwriting program workbooks, and Memoria Press Classical Phonics; A Child’s Guide to Word Mastery by Cheryl Lowe. Basic mathematics facts and skills will be developed through the Everyday Math series. Science at this level utilizes the wealth opportunities for the teacher to inspire each student through nature-based science studies beginning with the basic differences between animal groups and the characteristics of their way of life. Good and beautiful classical poems and prayers are introduced throughout first grade: The Greek Year.